Rules for War

Requirements to war:

  • First and foremost, this is an RP friendly server. While we allow war, we do not allow warmongering that drives people away from the server.
  • Must be a clan using the in-game clan plugin.
  • You must have a listed HQ claim before declaring war on another clan.
  • Clans cannot use /remove during war or after the war to access any HQ or CS structures.

Types of Wars Overview:

We have three different types of wars on this server.

Skirmishes: Players may challenge each other to a Skirmish. Instead of raiding each others bases, they can agree on a different method of fighting. More information on skirmishes here.
CS Claims War: For this type of war, clans can only attack CS claims and the HQ claim is off limits. CS wars do not need to be voted on.
All Out War (HQ & CS Claims War): For this war, it doesn’t end until one team loses their HQ (or any other the other reasons stated in the “Ending a War” section).
Solo Wars: Solo claims can go to war with each other. Unlike other types of wars, these wars can only occur if both sides want to do the war. The War Council does not get involved with solo wars. For solo wars, they can agree on an increased limit of players as long as they are equal.

War Council:

  • All land owning clans can have one person join the war council which gets to vote on if wars are valid.
  • If All Out War is selected, war council has 12 hours to vote on if they think the vote should be allowed to proceed. A 2/3 vote is required for the All Out War to proceed.

War Process:

  • STEP 1. To declare war, a player must fill out the War Declaration document and it will be automatically posted to discord once completed. Form is located here. 
  • STEP 2. After the declaration is posted, warring party must tag a member of the opposing team to notify them. You must verify they are aware, if they aren’t active in discord, you must reach out to them in game. Ask for admin help if necessary.
  • Defenders may accept the war and counterattack enemy CS claims at any time (this does bypass the 12 hour wait). They still need to make an attack dec in game and discord.

Attack Types and timing:

CS Attacks:

  • 12 hours after war dec, attacks on CS claims can happen whether someone is online or not (still needs to make attack dec in game and discord).

HQ ATTACKS (All Out War only):

  • Groups need to submit available times via form and admin team posts the results so teams can find the best time for the HQ  fight.
  • If a clan has two or members online during a time they said they aren’t available, they can be attacked immediately.
  • If one group doesn’t provide a time within 24 hours from declaration, the opposing team gets the right to offline raid their HQ.

KOS rules during war:

  • KOS begins when an attack is declared.
  • Combat can only occur in lands of the involved clans.
  • Anyone who is not the direct clans or allies that are participating in the war needs to leave these zones. Non involved parties may not attack/assist either team. 
  • If you are not in the war and are shot at, you are not allowed to return fire.
  • Admins may step in if one team is excessively base camping one of the teams.

Attack declaration:

  • Clans need to announce on discord attack-declarations channel and in-game prior to initiating actual attack.
  • Post an attack declaration in war-and-attack decs channel and in-game 15 minutes before you start any raiding. If you do not start the raid within 45 minutes of the announcement, the post is invalid and you need to repost and re-announce.
  • If the opposing clan has multiple land claims, you must take out all of their Control Structures before you can attack the enemy HQ (for All Out War)

Taking Over Enemy Bases:

  • Capturing an HQ or CS requires owning/destroying the master tool cabinet. If a team has a multi-TC base, only one needs to be captured.
  • For each claim attacked, submit captured control structure [or HQ] in the #war-and-attack-dec Discord channel. Include picture of captured land claim [map image] and a picture of the control structure [or HQ] showing tool cabinet access. Post in #land-claims if you are going to claim the land for your clan.
  • Once a base is taken over, the winning team has 15 minutes to secure all bases before anyone else can loot. Losing team cannot attempt to steal items from previous home.

Ending a War:

Conditions for ending the war:

  • For All Out War (HQ & CS Claims War): One clan captures the opposing HQ (owns/destroys tool cabinet) after all CS claims have been taken over.
  • For CS War: Once all CS claims have been taken over.
  • One clan surrenders and/or gives up their land/base and relocates.
  • Both clans agree to peace or specific terms
  • It’s been 24 hours and no attacks have been made.
  • After the war ends, the base and land is owned by the victor to be pillaged for 12 hours.
    • (Note: After the war ends, the base and land is owned by the victor to be pillaged for 12 hours)

Misc. War Rules

General War Rules:

  • During war, you may not make any non-war related land claims.
  • War Group Limit: If either group has more players than the opposing team (includes allies for both), they are only allowed to have one more person than the other team. Both groups need to coordinate on discord so they know how many will be allowed.
  • Clans can have a maximum amount of 7 players total, they can agree to increase that cap. You can’t swap out players once the war has begun.
  • Both groups have 10 hours from war dec to change their HQ/CS location.
  • Clans can declare war on any other clan and evict the opposing clan from their CS and HQ lands, but you can only claim the land if it is connected to yours.
  • Land acquired through taking out an opposing clan’s CS or HQ land does not fall under the regular 48 hour land claiming rule – lands acquired through war can be claimed immediately.
  • Only marked clan bases are allowed to be attacked. Residents on clan land should not be raided.
  • During attacks, if people in the war are shooting from a base, that base is allowed to be attacked and raided.
  • Clans are allowed to make forward operating bases during war but only on the land of a clan involved in the war.

Alliances, Solos, and Mercs:

  • Standard land owning clans are limited to two allied clans
  • When allies join a war, their CS & HQ structures can be attacked/conquered during war (HQ/CS buildings can be attacked during war, not during a Skirmish).
  • Allies must be stated before the first attack dec (not war dec)
  • People cannot drop clan tags to join another clan during war.
  • The max amount per team size during war and Skirmishes is still 7 players (both teams can agree to increase the limit beyond that if they choose).
  • Any solos or mercenaries must wear the warring clan’s tag.
  • No importing players to help aid in war.

War Rules for Cities/RP Claims

  • Cities/RP claims can’t declare war but can be warred on in special situations.
  • City HQ structure must be built outside of the city itself.
  • City/RP members cannot join/aid in other wars.  (This include dropping tags to skirt this rule.)
  • Cities/RP clans cannot join alliances with standard clans, cities, or RP land owners.
  • Groups will need a very serious claim to war a city, this should not be a regular occurrence. Some examples include: city clan members constantly in red zones, cities being hostile or threatening people, etc.
  • War council has to approve these wars. Admin team will have final say to avoid cities being attacked for no reason.
  • During war only the city clan’s marked HQ and CS structures can be touched. The city itself is still protected via out city/frontier rules. Normal war member limits are in effect, citizens can’t randomly join in.
  • No attacking at, or attacking from city structures – city structures should be kept safe.
  • During war, city clan needs to store all of their loot in the HQ/CS.
  • If the city clan loses the war, the city is still protected and citizens can’t be evicted. City clan will then need to leave the city and live elsewhere.
  • Once the war declaration is approved, the standard war timers and victory conditions go into effect.