Not a spelling error. Also known as Rust Empires Creative.

Below is a quick guide on some of the commands here.

General Commands

To enable god mode, type /god
To fly, type in /noclip to begin flying. To bind noclip, in F1 type; bind x noclip   (“x” being the key you want to bind it to)
/kit car – Has various car parts
/kit resource – Gives building materials
Type /voteday – message will appear near dusk.

Spawning Items

Press F1 > Items
Search for the item or use the tabs at the top.         –
Click the item to spawn 1 into your inventory (100x, 1000x spawns that amount)


Ubertool is an advanced building tool that allows you to do things that would normally be impossible.
When using Ubertool a dialog box will appear in the top right corner. The information given changes based on the tool you are holding.

Build Tool – Works like the normal build tool. You can build foundations in the sky and it ignores stability. Warning, stability will reactive on restart so make sure to still make builds within the confines of the stability system.

Build Material – You can change the material your building plan uses by holding the crouch key and hiting A & D to cycle through the different grades.

Hammer – If you middle click a light with your hammer is will automatically turn it on, even if it doesn’t have power. It also does this with cooking fires, sprinklers, and many other things. Have fun and experiment.

BGrade Command Usages

/bgrade 0 – Disables BGrade
/bgrade 1 – Upgrades to WOOD upon placement
/bgrade 2 – Upgrades to STONE upon placement
/bgrade 3 – Upgrades to METAL upon placement
/bgrade 4 – Upgrades to ARMOURED upon placement

Remove Tool

Allows you to remove anything you’ve placed for 60 seconds.
/remove – Activates the remove tool for 60 seconds or until canceled.


/buy row – To buy a row boat Price: Scrap x1
/buy rhib – To buy a RHIB Price: Scrap x1
/buy car – To buy a sedan Price: Scrap x1
/buy hab – To buy a hab Price: Scrap x1
/buy mini – To buy a minicopter Price: Scrap x1
/buy scrapcopter – To buy a scrap heli Price: Scrap x1
/buy ch47 – To buy a chinook Price: Scrap x1
/buy horse – To buy a horse Price: Scrap x1
/buy smallcar – To buy a Small Modular Car Price: Scrap x1600
/buy mediumcar – To buy a Medium Modular Car Price: Scrap x1600
/buy largecar – To buy a Large Modular Car Price: Scrap x1600