No Claims Wipes

We sometimes have Event Wipes where there are no land claims. Since you won’t be able to claim land, you may find yourself with closer neighbors and a smaller spot than usual. During Event Wipes with no land claims, these following rules take effect:

General Rules

  • You may still use the /claim command. This does not claim land on the /map, but does increase the deployable limit for your clan.
  • Banishments still apply. If you find yourself banished, or you have banished others, use your head. Don’t linger around each other’s bases.

Raiding Rules

  • Since there are no claims, “Evictions on your land” do not apply.
  • Inactive Evictions, Auto Inactive Raids, City Evictions, and Decaying Base Evictions still apply; follow normal wipe rules.
  • Raiding is still allowed in KOS zones, unclaimed land, and conclave land; follow normal wipe rules.

Build Restrictions

  • Building Restrictions still apply, and some are more strict due to the nature of wipes with no claims.
  • Spamming TCs is not allowed; in general only two TCs are allowed per group.
  • Groups should moderate how many builds they have and how large they are so that they are not deemed excessive.
  • Close to Train Stations, normal Frontier building, heli, and airdrop restrictions still apply.