To make a server like Rust Empires, We have many rules to shape the server into something more structured compared to the chaos of vanilla. Check out our most basic rules post HERE to begin. The below list is the full ruleset.
Make sure to link your discord with your Steam account to get server alerts for evictions/banishments along with access to a special starter kit.
To link Rust with Discord, please PM one of our bots with /dc link. ‘Rust Empires Alerts’ if you are playing on RE1 or ‘Rust Empires 2 Alerts’ if you are playing on RE2. It will give you a code that you can enter in the game.
To keep the server rules from being two hundred pages long, we can’t cover every imaginable scenario. If something isn’t clear, ask for an admin. When in doubt, use your head and follow rule number one.
General Rules:
- This is a friendly server, don’t be a dick to others ⧉.
- You are responsible for your account and the actions through it ⧉.
- No cheating, exploiting, or hacking.
- No harassment, trolling, racism, prejudice, bigotry, offensive material, use of hate groups, etc. No real world religion or politics ⧉.
- Your ingame name should match your discord name. If they don’t, you are forfeiting your ability to get warnings of evictions.
- Names and chat must also be in English.
- No griefing ⧉.
- No code raiding or changing codes; No insiding a clan, when you leave a group, you can only take what you farmed. Never use a code that you find.
- No misuse/abuse of /advert or banishments. Do not use these tools to post jokes, troll, or be toxic.
- Attempting to skirt the rules or not abiding by the spirit of the server, will lead to a warning or ban.
- Despawning loot to deny opponents their rewards is not allowed ⧉.
- No dropping supply signals in frontiers/cities. They should only be dropped on your own land, unclaimed land, NML, or open ocean.
- Friends are allowed to fight each other (with mutual consent), but it must be done in a private area away from roaming players.
- Admin Assistance: If players are making an event/build for the community where they don’t profit, they can appeal to staff for assistance. Staff will decide if the reason is valid to assist.
- If you are recording, you are allowed to kill people who are mic spamming, spamming slurs, attempts to kill you (even if they miss) or trolling (make sure to click here to read full rules) ⧉
Building Restrictions:
- Use your head when building. The server has many players so one person building larger than everyone else or with way more deployables can hurt player or server performance. If someone has an excessive building, other players can report and then vote in the #excessive-builds channel.
- Massive purge bases build before the Monday before purge or large bases that build right next to established cities will be judged more harshly in #excessive-builds channel.
- All signs must be appropriate both in public and in private. CLICK for rules regarding what is appropriate for SIL/skinbox ⧉
- Base/Compound Turrets: Lethal turrets are only allowed inside of a locked base or in a compound on the ground. Lethal turrets should not be able to shoot people passing by outside of the compound or through windows in a base. This includes unpowered and peacekeeper modes. The only turret allowed outside is a trumpet turret.
- Rooftop Turrets: Players can have turrets on their base (not on a tower) in a defensive position facing the core/center of the base. They should not be intentionally placed to kill players flying by. If the same turret/s kills too many innocent players, it will be removed by admins.
- Temporary turrets are not allowed at airdrops or heli crashes.
- SAM sites: SAM sites are only allowed in KOS zones. They must not be able to reach players that are outside of these zones (this includes unpowered or unloaded).
- Remove tool is only for fixing mistakes during the building process. It should never be used to reclaim a lost base/home/shop/etc. It should also never be used during raids/pvp, to grief others, get access to rooms you can’t normally access, or hide loot.
- Trap bases are only allowed in PVP zones (nowhere else)
- Walls can only be built around a HQ/CS separately, not around whole claims or monuments. No walls allowed in frontiers to avoid clutter. (Limit of 40 walls for land owning clans/mini claims).
- For people living in Cities/Frontiers/Mini and Clan claims touching Frontier, they can only build heli towers in PVP zones or Unclaimed land.
- Spamming TCs in frontiers/cities is illegal. These are areas meant for many people. Standard claims can do this temporarily but too much spam may result in removal of TCs.
- Builds that are excessive in size or use many lights/signs/rugs/etc that cause people hardware lag may be forced to reduce their base size.
- To limit entities, planters are limited to 12 for land owning clans/city management and 6 for solos and/or people living in frontiers/cities.
- Player made roads and large bridges may be removed. If you want to make one, reach out to staff first.
- Hotels can only have four empty rooms, once occupied they can expand.
- Empty vending machines should not be broadcasting.
- Frontier building limitations ⧉.
Vehicle Rules & Restrictions
- Vehicles have right of way on roads. Meaning if you get hit by a vehicle on a road it is your fault. If someone is caught intentionally abusing this rule they will be banned.
- If a vehicle runs over a person off of the road, the driver is at fault and is subject to punishment.
- If you do run someone over by accident, do not loot them and try to help them get back to their body to avoid theft.
- If you find a car out in the wild that is locked, you need to wait for it to decay. You cannot damage it to remove the lock.
- Solos and groups/teams can only have one car and one tugboat (this includes /shop tugboats).
- Since there is a limit on cars/tugboats, be sure to label yours if parked in a public space/city.
- Solo/duos can have one snowmobile and groups/teams can have two.
- The only time you can go over the limit is if you are selling a vehicle. You must be online, once you log out you need to be abiding by the limit above.
- Don’t put locks on new cars until you are ready to use it – no pre-claiming them
- Since you can summon a new vehicle for free after it breaks, using them to ram Chinooks, bases, or anything else is considered an exploit.
- A camper or tugboat in a static PVP zone or being used to respawn people in a PVP zone can be raided.
- Campers and tugboats are known to despawn. Any valuables stored in them will not be replaced by admins if they despawn.
- If you find a tugboat with an open door to the control room, verify the owner/owner’s clan/friends are not on board or within eyesight. If not, take a screenshot of the open door with the /owner command and post in evictions. If you raid the boat and find the person in the lower deck AFK or find a sleeper who still has DC protection, you need to give the boat back and help secure the boat. If you find a sleeper without DC protection, you can kill them and the boat is still yours.
- If a tugboat is found at 50% health or below from decay, it can be raided and reclaimed.
Bounty Hunting
- Players can apply to become bounty hunters. Check out our bounty hunting page for more info ⧉.
- If you are the target of a bounty, you can fight back after the hunter attacks or if you catch the bounty hunter sitting outside of you or your allies house (in claimed land, not city or frontier land).
- If you have a bounty on your head, you can use the /hunters command to see online bounty hunters to be aware of.
- Bounty becomes active 4-hours after it has been posted and lasts until wipe or the bounty is killed.
- If a friend is being bounty hunted, you are not allowed to defend them unless inside of a KOS zone.
- Type /bounty in-game to see options.
KOS / PVP Areas:
- For the items below, KOS (kill on sight) is the same as PVP or RDM. This means any hostile attack towards another player, even something as small as hitting with a rock is considered KOS.
- KOS is limited to the inside of the red domes located around the map. They are also located on the /map as skulls.
- Airdrops/downed heli: Players are only allowed to KOS/PVP within the dome surrounding the airdrop/heli. There is No Raiding allowed at these KOS domes. Once the dome is gone, KOS must end immediately. No chasing outside of the dome, no shooting out from the dome (unless they left the dome). For airdrop, no looting it until it hits the ground.
- Oil rig: Any mini-copters off the coast or any boats/swimmers passed wreckage piles can be shot at. If you are water farming, skip the area near the rig to avoid confusion.
- If you are standing within ten foundations of a PVP border or dome edge and get shot, you will take the fault. If you don’t wish to participate in PVP, make sure to avoid any PVP zones and linger near the border at your own risk.
- Do not attack from outside of the PVP areas.
- Do not abuse or stalk dome/zone lines. Sitting on the safe side of the border and intentionally diving in to catch people is abusing the dome line.
- Helicopters should not linger near KOS bubbles. If a helicopter is within ten foundations of a bubble and gets shot, they are considered lingering and to blame.
- The underground tunnels are not PVP, even if the dome cuts through them.
- For tunnel entrances inside PVP location, PVP ends at the bottom of the first elevator shaft down from the surface.
- If any part of a PVP dome falls into a frontier or city claim, the whole dome becomes PVE and all looting becomes free for all. No PVP.
KOS / PVP Rules:
- If you kill someone by accident, you must help them return or guard their items.
- If you are hit by another player outside of a PVP area you can attack back. If you aren’t recording, you can only attack if they hit you (not miss). Jumping in front of people farming to get hit is violating rule # 1.
- If someone is trolling you, you can kill them if you are recording (see recording rules above). If you can’t record, use the /toxic command which will record for one minute if you are raid whitelisted. Make sure to have proof of you warning them before you kill.
- Players are allowed to defend their own, a friend’s, or a clan-mate’s base/compound if someone is inside of the base/compound or attacking the base. Players can defend their roof if it isn’t a public space.
- Players can defend the body/sleeper/vehicle/etc. of yourself or a friend. This only counts if you catch someone IN THE ACT of stealing. You cannot attack if it is after the looting has happened or if you suspect the person without evidence. (If you do the looting, don’t brag about it). You must warn the person before attacking.
- If a burglar gets legally killed by a homeowner. The body of that burglar belongs to the homeowner and not the burglar or their friends.
- For bodies that occurred during PVP but the dome expired, the killer becomes the owner and not the victim/friends. If the victim/friend loots, the killer can attack them legally without consequence.
- If you are caught stealing/stealing from a body/sleeper/vehicle/base, the owner or their friends can fire at you but you are never allowed to return fire. Your only option is to flee.
- During raids outside of NML, attackers are not allowed to KOS defenders until fired on. Defenders can decide to engage or not. (Base must be wood or higher tier to be considered a raid)
- Warning shots in non-PVP areas are not allowed. People don’t know if you are a bad shot or intentionally missing. For victim, no shooting back unless hit.
- Sleepers may be killed if they are within looting range (no shooting sleepers from outside houses).
- If a player leaves the PVP zone/ PVP dome, they are no longer allowed to return fire. The person in the PVP zone can continue to shoot until 30 seconds have passed since last direct hit. Once they leave the PVP zone, they can’t chase and fight. People who leave the PVP zone cannot return to that particular PVP zone (or attached ones) for 5 minutes. This does not apply to players who get killed in the dome.
- To avoid zergs, the maximum amount of people that are allowed to roam together at all PVP spots is four per session. On purge night this limit is increased to 8. A session ends when ALL players in the roam group go back home, at that point they can change their roster. No changing roster on the fly.
- Using a spotter to bypass the 4 person limit is not allowed. If you aren’t part of the active pvp group, you need to be at least three grids away from the pvp zone that your group/allies/friends is currently inside.
- If you have a person/group that has a mutual cease fire, you can not be in the same PVP location as them. Coordinating is considered roaming together.
- To avoid people bypassing the roam limit, when a group leaves a dome, other clanmates/allies/anyone they have a ceasefire with can’t enter that same dome for 15 minutes.
- If a clan/alliance gets enough power-gaming reports from different groups/players, they will be limited to going to three limited time PVP events per day. Limited Time Events including airdrops, bradley, oil rig, cargo ship, etc.
PVE Mode & Events Rules
During off-hours or periods of heavy amounts of incoming trolls, admins can enable PVE mode. This blocks all damage outside of bubbles and makes dynamic PVP events (airdrop, cargo ship) no longer PVP. Below are the rules for those areas during these periods. This mode is always on for Rust Empires 2.
- To see if PVE mode is enabled, domes will no longer spawn around air drops and cargo ship.
- For locked crates or triggered events, the person who initiates the unlock/event owns the loot.
- Airdrops are only defendable if they drop inside of a player compound.
- If an air drop lands outside of a compound, it is free loot for everyone.
- For cargo ships (or any area with npcs and loot), whoever arrives first and starts fighting the npcs is entitled to the loot.
- Groups are limited to one PVE cargo ship per 24-hour period so everyone has a chance to try it.
Role Playing (RP):
- Harassment, racism, and explicit sexual content are not accepted in RP.
- Don’t make offensive “RP” with hate groups
- RP isn’t required, but encouraged. Please respect other groups’ RP.
- You cannot push your RP on other players that do not wish to participate
Clan Rules:
- Minimum of 2 players, maximum of 8 players.
- All clan members must wear the clan tag in-game via /clan plugin.
- To avoid zergs or two groups splitting up to claim more land, loot access should not be shared to people outside of a clan unless you are an RP group.
- If you share loot, everyone who has loot access is now included in the max active PVP players limit.
- People can become an RP group to avoid loot sharing restrictions. Click for more info ⧉
- Splitting a group into smaller groups to claim land is not allowed. You need at least five people in your first group before you can make a second group to claim land.
- If a clan splits up, take what you farmed but admins can’t get involved in loot disputes. If the same player gets accused of ripping his clan off more than once, they will lose the ability to join clans and may end up banned if we have proper evidence.
An eviction is the process of removing a base on your land or of an inactive player. They are first come, first serve. Whoever finds the base first, gets it. You need to be raid whitelisted to carry out an eviction, see raiding rules for more info.
To evict someone, you type /evict reason while looking at the base you want to evict (or /evictfrontier if your land claim touches the frontier)
- Eviction on your land: Bases that were on your land prior to you claiming land need to get 24 hours notice. If they build after you claim the land, you do not need to give notice. If you allow another group to raid on your land, post in #trade-contracts.
- First 48 hours: During the first 48 hours you need to do the /evict command and wait 12 hours, even if someone build on your land after you claimed it.
- Inactive Evictions: Use the /authed command to see who is authed on a base and when they were last online. If it has been four days since login they can be evicted, please post an image of their base and of the /authed in the #evictions channel as proof.
- City Evictions: Cities are considered safe zones so they need a valid reason to evict someone (breaking this will result in punishment). They also need to store the loot for 48 hours and make a reasonable attempt to locate the player and return the loot. Some examples of valid reasons: a person being toxic, a resident stealing from the city, breaking city rules, or building in a spot that prevents city expansion.
- Claims touching frontiers: If your claim is touching a frontier, you need to give the players 48 hours notice before you can raid, even if they built after you claimed. Use the /evictfrontier command.
- Frontier/City/Mini Claim Evictions: If someone is abusing the protection of these zones by being toxic, hostile, stealing, or running PVP locations too much you can post in #frontier-evictions channel, tag the player, and make your case why they should be removed. That person will have a change to explain their side and a vote takes place. If the vote is in favor of eviction at a 2 to 1 ratio, the person will be moved to unclaimed land.
- Decaying Bases: You can only break the material that is currently decaying and is under 50% health. Be sure to post a picture of the /authed along with a picture of the material under 50% in #evictions channel as proof. You can break deployable items if they are inside of a decaying base and on top of a decaying foundation that is under 50% health. No breaking doors that aren’t decaying.
Raiding Rules:
- To avoid people illegally raiding. We have added a raid whitelist to this server. Fill out this form to be able to carry out evictions.
- What is not considered raiding: Entering a base via breaking twig/exposed holes/windows and stealing from unlocked boxes or bodies.
- Raiding is only allowed in KOS zones, unclaimed land, conclave (check discord prior to raiding since map only updates once a day), or during evictions. This does not include Airdrop/Heli KOS domes.
- Damaging structures and breaking boxes is considered raiding.
- You can destroy existing twig structures anytime (you cannot attack structures while they are being built, that is considered griefing.)
- Always do /authed to verify who is authorized on the base and that the raid is legal.
- You can raid structures in unclaimed lands.
- It is illegal to raid a base that has been labeled pending/invalid in the #land-claims channel. All players are given 24 hours to relocate or fix their land-claiming mistake before the base can be raided.
- Raids in unclaimed land or on claimed land (following the instructions above) are still NOT KOS zones. Wandering players are not allowed to engage raiders.
- Homeowners may defend themselves. Raiders may attack anyone attempting to enter the base (close quarters, not sniping people from far away that MIGHT be coming to raid the base.)
- A raid is over when the raiding party runs out of explosives (or molotov cocktails, in the case of raiding wood) or hasn’t used any explosives within 10 minutes.
- You must have material-appropriate raiding tools on you in order to claim a base when raiding. This means primitive tools, explosive ammo, molotovs, satchels, or C4 for wood bases. For stone and above, you will need explosive ammo, satchels, rockets, or C4.
- If you wish to raid a base on a border, consult an admin or risk being charged for illegal raiding.
- If a player logs off and their base is all foundations with a TC/boxes and no walls, the TC and boxes can be destroyed by other players (if someone is skirting this by adding a few walls but it’s still mostly foundations – reach out to an admin and we will vote to decide if it can be raided). This does not include public works builds that offer free workbench/repair bench/etc.
- Locked boxes outside can be destroyed if they are more than one foundation from a base or clearly not part of a build/compound.
- In the first 48 hours, raiding is limited. Players can still break twig, raid bases that have no walls, or are decaying (per our decaying rules).
Prepping for the Purge:
Every wipe ends with our purge event. For one night only, we allow raiding and PVP everywhere. Check our server schedule in Discord for when the next purge will happen. Below are some basics for purge but click here for full rules⧉.
- Turrets and SAM sites can be powered and outside 24 hours before purge but they cannot have ammo in them.
- Players in the frontier can start placing high walls around their base on the day of purge.
- The limit of 40 walls is lifted on the day of purge.
- Players are not allowed to pre-build raid bases on other lands (friendly or foe) until after the purge has started.
Map Zones:
Frontier Zones:
- Frontier zones are green on the map.
- Frontier zones are designed for new players where they can build without fear of being raided.
- Once a player joins a land-owning clan, they must remove their items from this zone. Admins will routinely check this zone and remove houses of people who have joined clans.
- Do not use a supply signal in the Frontier zone.
- Do not build high walls in the Frontier zone.
- Do not fight or tag a heli in any Frontier zone. Luring the heli into a Frontier zone is considered griefing.
- If an airdrop lands in a frontier or heli crashes, it is still no PVP. The loot is free-for-all, no one owns it.
No Man’s Land:
- No Man’s Land is marked as red on the map.
- Players can PVP anyone and raid any bases inside of No Man’s Land.
Unclaimed Land:
- Unclaimed lands don’t have a color.
- All of the claims on the map are unclaimed until a clan claims them.
- Raiding is allowed in unclaimed land but check Discord first to see if land hasn’t already been claimed. The map is only updated once a day so legal claims may not show up on /map.
Claimed Land:
- Once a clan claims land, it goes from unclaimed land to claimed land.
- It is unsafe to build on claimed land without permission from the owning group (see raiding rules).
Mini Claim Land:
- Areas for small groups of 1-3 players to claim land. These are the light blue spots on the map.
- Rules for mini claim owners (click here) ⧉
Official Cities/Casino:
- Members of the city are allowed to defend the city with force from robbery attempts.
- Do not use a supply signal in any city claims.
- Do not fight or tag a heli in any city claim. Luring the heli into a city claim is considered griefing.
- See the rules for owning a city ⧉.
- Go here for info on applying for and running the casino.
Conclave Zone:
- A location for players to fight hostile NPCs (make sure to pick up the blood quest from the quest vendor).
- No PVP in this zone.
- Buildings in this area can be raided since it is technically unclaimed (owner can defend, raider can attack once fired on per raid rules – see above).
- PVE areas to fight NPCs and do quests.
- Do not wait for NPCs to respawn and farm them. Finish the dungeon so groups behind you can get a chance.
- Don’t use grenades/explosives or you could break wiring and be unable to leave the dungeon.
- Portals to dungeons are in The Hub.
- If a player is trying to solo the group dungeon, they need to let any groups pass them if they are taking too long.
- Use your head, if someone asks you to leave their land and you aren’t banished. Just leave. They shouldn’t be forced to banish someone to go away.
- Land-owning clans, mini-claims, and cities are allowed to banish players from coming onto their land.
- To banish a player, in-game you type ‘/banish banishedplayername/id reason’
- When you banish a player, it works both ways. You can no longer enter that player’s land or attempt to go near/talk to them.
- When you banish another clan, your whole clan is then banished from their land. Whoever does the banishment needs to let their team know about this banishment so they don’t get killed.
- If you banish someone while they are there, you let them know so they have a chance to leave. If not;
- If you see a banished player on your land, you are allowed to kill them without warning, the banished player is not allowed to return fire.
- A banished player should never return to banished land, no exceptions. Not even events such as patrol copter or airdrop landing on that land.
- If a banished player keeps returning/builds after they were banished, let admins know so they can be punished accordingly.
- Do not use an alt to bypass a banishment.
- If you are banished from a city, you can use the portal but need to leave ASAP. No using voice and no waiting for friends.
- Use your head and act in good faith of the banishment. If an untagged friend is violating any of these issues – admins will review and it could result in a ban. If a banished clan is messing with the opposing clan’s friends, it could result in a ban.
- Don’t reply to them in chat.
- Don’t ping or reply to them in Discord.
- Don’t emote/emoji react to their posts in Discord.
- Do not talk about or allude to a group that you are banished from.
- Don’t interact at events.
- Don’t linger or build near the border of banished land.
- Don’t go on their land, including purge.
- During purge, if you run into them on third-party ground then you can fight but no voice chat, no text chat, not even gg’s.
Land Claiming:
- Standard Land Claims: available for clans of 2 – 8 players (clan tagged in-game prior to making a land claim).
- Mini Land Claim: available for small groups of 1-3 players (clan tagged in-game prior to making a land claim).
- City Claim: available for clans of 4 – 8 players (tagged in-game prior to making a land claim). A city clan can only make one land claim and identify it as a City claim.
Conquest Claims
Player Conduct:
- No one player or group is more valuable than our community at large. If we get excessive complaints about a person or group, and/or if their actions, attitude, or behavior is driving people (staff or community) off our server intentionally or otherwise, they may be removed from this community.
- No promoting other Discords or Rust servers.
- You may be banned without warning for: being staff/admin/owner for another server; working to suggest/develop content, plugins, or other concepts for another server; trying to recruit from our community for other servers; aiding in the creation and/or promotion of another server; being a founding player/member on a server (especially a replica server); giving feedback on/taking ideas, strategies, events, etc. from our server to replicate for another server; and anything else that potentially threatens our server, community, and efforts. The protection of our server and community is paramount for us.
- Stirring up drama can lead to a permanent ban with no warning. This is a Rust server and not a social media platform. If you want drama, look for an outlet elsewhere. You should never be doing something intentionally to hurt the community and the server. Click for more examples ⧉
- If you are aware of/have interactions with a player punishment evading/ban evading and choose to not report the information to staff, you may be banned. You should never assist a punishment evader/ban evader to access or stay on any of our servers, social media, or community spaces.
- Making a quit posting/announcement in-game, in Discord, or in other formats/posting will result in a ban. Creating drama or demonstrating attention-seeking behaviors to negatively impact our community is not acceptable.
- Admins and mods will aid in investigating player reports and concerns – make sure when reaching out to ask an admin or mod for help to include what you are asking help with, Spamming “ADMIN” or “MOD” is not appropriate, don’t spam.
- Actions of extreme negligence may not receive admin assistance ⧉.
- Spamming voice, in-game chats, private messages, or Discord text or voice channels with staff pings or toxicity may result in kick, jailing, or ban.
- Looting a dead/sleeping admin or admin structure is a bannable offense. If you find one of these, report it to staff.
- Report evidence and concerns of community members and/or staff to server owners at:
Reports and Bans:
- Any player with a VAC ban in the last six months and receives a player complaint or has any questionable activity may be removed by staff.
- If you are banned and have evidence to support your innocence or want to appeal your ban, fill out a ban appeal here.
- If you use the appeal form to be toxic, make threats, post phishing links or other inappropriate content, continue an argument, or post complaints about your removal, your appeal will be rejected and your punishment will increase in kind.
- Playing/engaging on an alternate account when the main account is jailed/banned/game banned is considered punishment evasion/ban evasion and will escalate the original punishment/ban.
- If you have evidence of a staff member harassing, cheating/hacking, kosing, etc., send your report and evidence to the server owners at or at #contacting-the-owners in Discord. Making fake abuse claims (publicly in-game, Discord, voice, etc.) can lead to a ban.
- Do not post or spam other channels, messages, voice, etc. if you are looking to report a staff member – reach out with your report and evidence to the server owners at or at #contacting-the-owners in Discord.
- For emails to owners, make sure to include as much details as you can give us (dates, times, people involved, etc.) – we need details to investigate. Please give the owners two weeks to address/respond before you reach out for updates. We use data for all claims so we need to pull all available logs to conduct a thorough investigation.
- Keep in mind that email to the owners is not for reporting day-to-day issues or situations that can be handled by staff.
- Owners do not need to respond in two weeks time to banned players; our focus is on our active community.
- Being toxic/abusive towards staff or towards our server is not tolerated. This includes the refusal to follow what a staff member says in an official capacity, name-calling, being disrespectful, posting complaints about the server (i.e., you should focus on creating suggestions and constructive conversation), etc.
- It is not considered abuse if a staff member kills a player breaking the rules. That is a staff member removing a rule-breaker from a situation.