Rules 101

To create a server like Rust Empires, we have a unique ruleset. While we have many rules, the below rules are the most basic and important rules to get you started here at Rust Empires.

Make sure to link your Discord with your steam account to get server alerts for evictions/banishments along with access to a special starter kit. To link rust with discord, please PM one of our bots with /dc join. ‘Rust Empires Alerts’ if your are playing on RE1 or ‘Rust Empires 2 Alerts’ if you are playing on RE2. It will give you a code that you can enter in game.

All players are held to our full ruleset so be sure to read them.

General Info

  • Make sure to use /dc link in-game so you get notifications if you are going to be evicted/raided.
  • Being inactive for four days means you can get evicted (note: on RE2, it is five days, not four).

Player Conduct

  • We are a friendly server. Don’t be a dick, no griefing, no drama/racism/hate groups/etc, no cheating/exploiting/hacking, no despawning loot.
  • No forcing RP such as robbery/kidnapping, etc. 
  • Do not promote other servers or other discords.
  • Player names must be in English characters.

General Rules

  • Sleepers can be killed if they are within looting distance.
  • Twig can be broken so make sure to upgrade your items.
  • Players are allowed to steal from a base as long as they don’t damage/break anything so be sure to lock your boxes and doors.
  • If you build on unclaimed land or clan land, you are at risk of being raided or evicted. Frontier/cities are safest areas to build.
  • No breaking locked boxes or decaying bases outside of legal raids (see info below).
  • Code raiding is not allowed. If you get a code or key, do not use it. This includes insiding clans.
  • If you want to have a friendly fight with your friends, it needs to be on private land away from other players/frontiers/cities.
  • No dropping supply signals or luring helicopters in frontiers or cities.
  • Only tagged clan members are allowed to have access to clan base/compound and loot.

KOS/PVP rules

  • PVP/RDM/KOS (kill on sight) is only allowed inside of the domes that are scattered around the map.
  • Oil rig: Any minicopters off the coast or any boats passed wreckage piles can be shot at. If you are water farming, skip the area near the rig to avoid confusion.
  • There is a four person roam limit for PVP locations.
  • Outside of the domes, warning shots are not allowed but if you are attacked you can defend.
  • Helicopter crash and airdrop is PVP once dome appears (or once airdrop hits ground). If any part of the dome touches a frontier or city, it is not a PVP spot. Loot becomes free for all.
  • If you get shot near the dome border, it is your fault. If you don’t want to PVP, do not go near PVP zones. Do not attempt to cheese the dome border to get protection.
  • If a player leaves a PVP area, they are no longer allowed to return fire. The person in the PVP zone can continue to shoot until 30 seconds have passed since the last direct hit. Once they leave the PVP zone, they can’t chase and fight. People who leave the PVP zone cannot return to that particular PVP zone (or attached ones) for 5 minutes.


  • Raiding is only allowed in KOS zones, unclaimed land (check discord to verify it isn’t claimed), during war, or during evictions. Ask an admin before raiding a base on a border line.
  • If someone is in your (or friends) base or compound, you can defend if you catch them. If you catch someone in the act of looting a friendly corpse/vehicle/box you can kill them.
  • If you are caught stealing, you cannot return fire. You must flee the area.
  • Evictions allow people to raid inactive players/groups or people who live on their land. See our full rules for more info.

Build Restrictions

  • Planters are limited to 12 for a clan and 6 for a solo.
  • Frontier building limitations ⧉.
  • No traps or turrets outside. No SAM sites outside of KOS zones. See full rules for more information.
  • TC needs to be accessible via doors or hatch.
  • No trap bases are allowed outside the KOS Zones
  • The Removal tool is for fixing mistakes only. Cannot be used to get back into a base you lost.

Click here to read our FULL RULES