Rule change for helicopter loot and cargo ship

Today we’re glad to roll out PVP domes for helicopter and cargo ship. K1ltu was kind enough to work on this plugin for us so we’re excited to get it implemented. Read the rule changes below;

  • Non-PVP areas: supermarkets, warehouses, lighthouses, and gas stations are not PVP zones.
  • PVP areas: PVP can occur at airdrops, downed chinooks, marked monuments, No Man’s Land, any clan land claims marked as KOS/PVP, during wars, and WITHIN the dome of the downed heli and the cargo ship.
  • For the domes around airdrops and cargo ships
      • For downed helicopter, players are only allowed to KOS/PVP within the dome surrounding the crash site. Once the dome is gone, KOS must end immediately.
      • Keep the fighting within the dome, do NOT continue to chase individual with loot across the map/outside the dome.
      • For cargo ships, the dome will follow the cargo ship across the map. Players are only allowed to KOS/PVP within the dome.
      • Do NOT shoot out from the dome or into the dome from outside.
      • Do NOT stand around outside of the dome as you may get shot/killed. If you do not want to participate in PVP/KOS, get away from the dome.
      • **If the dome or part of the dome falls into a city or Frontier zone, do NOT KOS/PVP in the city or Frontier zones – these are safe areas**