Special Event 27: The Uprising

From the records of the Dominion:

The rocks dug into his knees, but Emrys gave it no mind. He was entrenched in visions, in those memories that he wanted to keep so close.

His youngest, Wynn – she had set her heart to the ways of the forge.  Her daytime hours were spent visiting the metalsmith where she peppered him with questions and watched intently as he worked. Wynn brought delight to the weary with her enthusiasm and was endlessly inquisitive. She had taken to dressing like the metalsmith and asking when she could apprentice with him. She saw her place among them and so it would be.

His son, Owain – No metal work interested him. Owain found solace in the art of woodwork and shipbuilding. Standing on the rocks overlooking the harbor each morning to watch the fishermen venture into the seas. He perched protectively over them until the last of the ships departed before he returned to his own work.

When the sickness fell upon the island, Emrys offered his own resources to his neighbors, though they were wealthier with their farms and produce, his dishes were renown on the isle. It wasn’t until Wynn began to get sick that everything shifted. Her inquisitive questions were stifled by rattling coughs and her skin became a patchwork of blisters. Her pain was unbearable and the medicine to ease it was costly. Unable to work while caring for her, Emrys found that those who were so happy to accept gifts from him, were even happier to keep their doors shut. His resources dwindled as Wynn’s sickness worsened. Emrys and Owain took to begging in the nearby towns – they traveled further each day to get any resources to ease Wynn’s suffering. On the evening of the 7th day of the sickness, Emrys and Owain returned to find Wynn lifeless on her bed, having passed alone while they were gone. Only three days later, Owain fell ill. He passed within the next five days in great suffering like his sister.

Emrys dusted his knees as he stood up slowly. It did him well to visit his children’s graves to remind him of his purpose, why the world had to change.

The old ways had to end, to be cleansed from the world. From the ashes would be a new society. One in which there would be order and structure. From island to island, he traveled with his companions and transformed the lands and people. Those that refuse to see what the world needs are removed so that a better society can flourish.

Emrys donned his mask and made his way back to the sky ship. There was word on the hideout of the last remnants of the old ways. One final island to take in these seas. 

He longed to stay here with the memories of his children but the cleansing must happen. No more suffering, no more poverty, no more greed.

The Dominion must save them all.

The journal entries from a Rebel

November 15th:

Island life isn’t the easiest. Set up my shop some months ago, and people listened to me at first. Told them about the Dominion. Told them about the attack and how my people lost.

Should have known something was wrong the day the Dominion found my home. No wind that morning. The birds were silent. Didn’t catch any fish that day. Like all the living beings knew to hide. Well, guess not my people. Welcomed the Dominion’s boats with fruit and water when they came upon our island. Welcomed us back with bullets.

Fishermen and farmers against armored gunmen, didn’t last long. A few like me lived, we knew the caves well enough and rigged some traps. Slowed them down so we got a bit of distance but not enough. Led them to where the bandits lived. Those bandits would fight anyone on their lands. Knew that the bandits’ eokas would get us some more time. Not proud of what we did, but we had to get out. Stole the bandits’ boats and made our way to sea.

This is when I tell people the story about how we found the Rebels. Or more that the Rebels found us. Adrift with food and water running out. Burned arms covering our heads when we weren’t rowing. Sun is relentless at sea. Thought it was the Dominion when the ship appeared. Didn’t have any energy left to fight, but wouldn’t let the last of my people down. The new ship hailed us and dropped off some food, water, and medicine. Offered us passage with the Rebels. Took the chance of getting on deck and glad I did. These people had fought the Dominion before and were rounding up survivors from the Dominion’s path of ruin. Brought us to the main island where a bunch of islands pooled their resources together and trained to fight. Building up a fleet. But they needed people to go out to recruit and get more supplies. Found myself volunteering and packed on a small boat to come here within the hour.

People here seemed scared, rightfully so. Took to heart that the Rebels needed help and that we’d give them rewards for their trouble. They liked the notion of being part of the resistance without the fight and bloodshed, helping out with supplies.

Time went on and people aren’t listening like they did. Kids throw things at me at me. Fun to see if Questy can dodge their rocks. People are still giving supplies though. Like getting rewards from my shop, I suppose. Pocketing pretty artifacts like those string lights and ornaments. They’ve forgotten why I’m here, what the fight is for. No one believes in the Dominion or the Rebels anymore. Just funny tales from ol’ Questy.

Have to keep trying to get resources for the Rebels.


January 21st:

No one came by the shop today. Went out and tried talking to some new kids on the island. Had asked me how they could help fight the Dominion. Didn’t have too much time before their parents got them. “Don’t talk to him,” their parents whispered and dragged them away.

Contact with the Rebels been spotty. My supplier was late a week. Came in at dawn today to get the resources and drop off artifacts that they scrounge up along the way. She said they took the fight to the Dominion. Rebels have been pushing the Dominion back. She didn’t look happy though. Pressed her for more information and she told me that there’s been word that the Dominion found some blueprints. Something that could get past the ships. When she left, she squeezed my shoulder and told me I was doing good work.

I have to do more.

Traveled across the island and spoke to the mayors at nearby cities and towns. Asked them all to call town meeting and about the news about the Dominion. All parroted the same thing back to me. Telling me they’d let me know when there’s a better time. Smiled at me and had their people push me out the door.

Not sure how much time we have left. No telling how long the Rebels can keep the Dominion from here.


February 28th:

Supplier was right to worry. Dominion are here. Found a way around the Rebel boats. They are in the sky.

(last entry and unsigned by writer)

The Basics

  • Players are split into 2 empires (the Dominion and the Rebels) and will take a portal from the starting zone to their Frontier Zone.
  • Again, your in-game clan (using /clan) will either be Rebel or Dominion in this event.
  • Ask in-game for an invite to one of these two clans/empires and if no one is available, ask for assistance in Discord for an invite.
  • No stealing code lock codes and giving to opposing team, if you want inside an enemy base, you need to raid it (see raiding rules further down).
  • You must wear your empire’s kit (no wearing opposing empire’s kits).
  • If one empire has fewer members, staff may provide a handicap (free bleach, free vehicles, etc. ) to try to avoid people all joining one empire and outnumbering the other teams. Please note: This is up to admins and players cannot request/demand this
  • The map will be broken up into claims. Your goal is to claim as much land as possible and to hold the capture point (detailed below).
  • The empire with the most land claims will win additional Purge day supplies.

Land Claiming

  • Both the Rebels and Dominion have lands that belong to their empire (marked by a colored border).
  • Each empire will have 1 HQ land claim (make sure to coordinate this with your clan) – check out official rules on how to set up and submit a land claim (make claims for “Rebel CS” or “Dominion CS”)
  • CS claims within colored empire borders do **not** need to be touching a previous claim.
  • To claim land in the opposing territory, build CS claims but they must be touching a previous claim. This is a limit of 2 per day and they do count towards your total.
  • For wipe night (February 27th): each empire can claim 1 HQ land claim and then 9 other CS claims (again, Empire CS lands do not need to touch).
  • Each night at midnight EST, each Empire is then able to make an additional 10 CS land claims. Do not post early land claims.
  • For those not wanting to partake in attacking/defense portions of the event, there are Frontiers and solo/RP group claims available, please refer to official server rules on making solo/RP group claims.

PVP Rules

  • HQ lands can’t be attacked until Purge.
  • You cannot PVP the other team unless you are attacking/raiding a base you declared on (standard PVP rules still apply to No Man’s Land/domes).
  • Since the Rebels and Dominion are considered at war for control of the island, they don’t need to make a war dec. They only need to make an attack dec in Discord in #attack-declarations and in-game 30 minutes prior to an attack. Make sure to tag the other team when attacking.
  • Attackers will post which claim they will be attack using /map image with the attack dec.
  • After posting an attack dec in Discord and once the waiting period is up, attackers have 30 minutes to attack before the attack is cancelled.
  • Capturing a CS requires owning/destroying the master tool cabinet. If a team has a multi-TC base, only one needs to be captured.
  • For each claim attacked, submit captured CS in the #attack-declarations Discord channel. Include picture of captured land claim [map image] and a picture of the CS showing tool cabinet access. Post in #land-claims to to claim the land for your Empire.
  • Empires can only make attack decs on lands that are **connected** to one of theirs.
  • Each empire can only take over three claims per 24 hours through attacks.

Capture Point

  • This will be a stronghold that will be reset each night at 9 pm EST.
  • Whichever empire has taken control of the stronghold by sitting on the throne chair at 9 pm EST will be deemed the current controlling empire of the island.
  • Do not store any gear/materials in here that you do not want to lose. You will not be refunded at reset.
  • Additional Purge supplies will be given to each empire based upon # of days that each is controller of the island.


  • This will be an event island where staff will bring community members.
  • No trying to steal or keep materials from events. If you do so, you will be banned, gg jerks.

Make sure to follow the official rules of the server (click here).