What is THE PURGE?

Since all items and progress are removed when the server wipes, Rust Empires hosts the purge once per wipe where players are encouraged to use up all of the items they have acquired throughout the month. Instead of letting everything go to waste, all KOS and raiding rules are lifted and players can roam around the map using up all of the ammo, explosives, and medical supplies. 

See that really nice base? It might be fun to use up your C4 and watch it collapse. Someone get on your nerves all month? Grab your gear and go show them how you really feel. Everything will be gone the next day, so have fun and don’t take anything too personally. 

Didn’t have time to farm any gear or weapons? That’s okay. We provide a /kit purge that includes some starter weapons, armor, and medical supplies. It doesn’t include anything too good since we want to reward people who played all wipe, but it gives new folks a decent chance.

Preparing for purge

  • Turrets and SAM sites can be powered and outside 24 hours before purge but they cannot have ammo in them.
  • Players in frontier can start placing high walls around their base the day of purge.
  • The limit of 40 walls is lifted the day of purge.
  • Players can purchase vehicles using the license command.
  • Players can purchase supplies at the quest vendor prior to purge beginning. Vendor is removed at the start of purge.
  • Players are not allowed to pre-build raid bases on other lands (friendly or foe) until after the purge has started.

FTP admins will run a one-time command that mass deletes all entities that can cause lag. This list includes the following:

  • Christmas lights
  • Signs
  • Rugs
  • Disco items
  • Industrial/electric lights
  • Water catchers
  • planters
  • Search lights
  • Neon signs
  • Chinese Lanterns
  • Photo frames.

Running this command will cause about two minutes of lag but once it has been completed, server performance improves drastically.

Rules for purge night

  • KOS is allowed everywhere.
  • Raiding is allowed everywhere.
  • We have a roaming limit of 8 players to keep things fair. A session ends when ALL players in the roam group go back home, at that point they can change their roster. No changing roster on the fly.
  • If you go to a fight with the intention of only attacking one party, that is considered a cease fire with other parties you don’t attack. You need to count those people towards your 8 person max.
  • For defending clan land, we have a 8 person limit for clans.
  • For defending cities, cities do not have a limit and can have as many defenders as they want.
  • If you are coming from somewhere else to “defend” you are attacking, not defending and do need to follow the limit.
  • All rules about player behavior are still in effect. Don’t be toxic, trolls, or rude. Just have fun.
  • Loot sharing rules are lifted during the purge. Friends are allowed to share loot.
  • Code raiding is still illegal during purge. If you want to enter a base, use explosives.
  • Despawning loot is illegal. 
  • Don’t grief people’s base when raiding.
  • Once the raider reaches the TC, they now own the base and can build defenses to prevent a counter-raid (this does not include wall spam, that is griefing).
  • Do not use /remove tool during purge. Remover is still only for fixing building mistakes.
  • Supply drops can be dropped anywhere
  • Since fireworks can cause lag, please don’t use fireworks during purge.
  • Hotel or city owns can NOT raid or rob their own offline tenants. If they try to fight you, then it is okay to raid them.
  • TC/Loot can be hidden but /remove can’t be used to reach.
  • Players can’t place banishments during the purge. If someone is being toxic, report it to staff and record all evidence and it will be addressed.