Welcome to Bonus Age 21.5

Hey guys – since it’s a 5 week month, we have an extra week. Instead of doing 2 one-week events, we’ve decided to have a 2 week bonus age that will have a few events within it. To get everyone involved, we’re going to have a mix of PVP and PVE based events.

Creative Contest Round 4

Something we’ve done a few times in the past, we will be hosting a series of creative contests. This will include skin creating, RP building, arena building, and more. We will be setting up a few channels that will detail each contest objective.

The Warzone returns!

Longtime players will remember the warzone, it has returned and is once again claimable. The Warzone are claimable pvp zones. Unlike our normal claims, there is no limit to how many of these groups can capture. At the end of the wipe, we will issue prizes based on how many Warzone claims each group is holding

Warzone rules.

  • Warzone claim does not need to be touching your normal claims (but warzone claims do need to be connected).
  • You can make a warzone claim every 24 hours – this timer is independant from standard claims.
  • If you raid and claim someone elses warzone claim, you need to make a land claim showing this so the map is updated and you get credit.
  • At the end of the event, teams will be awarded bleach based on how many warzone claims they own. We will add armor/guns/c4 to bleach vendor on day of purge also.
  • Standard rules still apply