Special Event Week: Battle for the Realm of the Pumpkin Queen





‘Twas the week before Halloween, when all thro’ the house,

Creatures were stirring, whispers of fiends and louse;

Cauldrons were dragged to place and lit with care,

In hopes that kind ghosts would be there;

The children lit candles placed all near their beds,

While visions of fog and ghouls danced in their heads,

With the queen in her pumpkin, and her guard in a bone cap,

Witnessed the undead army waken from their yearly nap-

When out on the lawn, the bones rattled and made a clatter,

The island inhabitants took to see what was the matter.

Through the ladder hatch and down the halls, their actions were rash,

Setting their turrets, through the fog they glimpsed a flash,

The undead army approached through fresh snow,

Remnants of soldiers and animals alike left broken below;

When to the inhabitants’ wondering eyes should appear,

But the pumpkin queen and her guards drew near;

“My people, grab your weapons and armor, be quick”

“For a plague of creatures have come to spread their sick.”

The island inhabitants prepared themselves and took aim,

Through the realm, they fought to take back their lady’s claim.


A plague has befallen the island, and the inhabitants are under siege. As Halloween approaches, so too do the undead scarecrows and murderers seeking to end the reign of the Pumpkin Queen and slaughter her people.


Work to take back control of the island realm by taking over the land claims of the undead armies and defeating their defenses. Expand your lands to gain favor with the Pumpkin Queen.


To aid in your endeavors, the Pumpkin Queen has set forth a maze with riches, but keep in mind that the maze is protected to keep the undead forces from advancing through. Only the bravest adventurers set foot in this labyrinth.


Be careful in your travels across the island as dangerous await you.

Prove yourself a champion of the Pumpkin Queen and aid in restoring the realm.




  • Clans of 2 -7 can claim land every 24 hours (can claim up to 2 lands per day – land must be touching/adjacent).
  • The orange lands have been taken by the undead. Reclaim and hold those lands until the Purge to gain additional rewards (received before the Purge begins on October 31st at 8 pm EST).
  • For the orange lands, you must find and take out the undead’s base before claiming the land for your clan.
  • The clan with the most lands, and the clan with the most orange lands will receive additional rewards (received before the Purge begins on October 31st at 8 pm EST).
  • Example of undead base for you to find and cleanse to claim an orange land: