Rust Empires In-Game Commands

Getting Started

/info – Brings up the welcome UI that has a brief summary of the rules.
/link – Info on how to link your discord with your steam account. Gives access to our discord kit.

General Commands

/map – View our in-game claims map. (Hit F1 and type bind m LMUI_Control map to bind /map to the M key)
/claim – Displays the interface used to claim land or clear claim markers.
/kit – Displays the kits available here.
/advert – Sends an advertisement to the whole server (do not abuse or you may lose advert ability)
/mp – Toggles the UI that displays patrol heli, cargo ship, player count, etc.

Social & Clan Commands

/r message – Reply to a private message
/pm name “message” – Send a private message to a player
/c message
– Talk in clan chat
/e message – Send an alliance wide chat
/clan help – Displays useful commands for making/managing a clan.
/cinfo clanname – Lists the members of a clan and the last date a member was online.

Quests and how to spend RP points

/q – Opens up the Quest dialog so you can see what quests you currently have anywhere.
/qlist – Opens up the Quest UI relating to dungeons and hunting NPCs.
/skills – Displays various skills that you can upgrade using RP points/dollars.
/s – Opens up the RP shop where you can spend your hard earned RP points/dollars.
/checkheli – Shows time since you last called your personal attack helicopter. Does not include if someone else in your team/clan had called it.

Building Commands

/authed – Displays any players authed on a building (must be facing building)
/owner – Shows who placed a specific building block/deployable (while looking at it).
/remove – Allows the use of the remover tool (only used to fix mistakes, not for hiding loot/reclaiming a lost base).

Banishments, Evictions, and Bounties

/banish playername/id reason – Banish a player from your land claim(s).
/banishclan clantag reason – Banishes a whole clan from your land claim(s).
/evict reason – Evict a player from land you own (while in front of a door).
/bounty – Displays options on how to put a bounty on another player.
/bounties – Views available bounties (if you are a registed bounty hunter).

Vehicle Commands

/copter – Displays commands related to purchasing/managing a minicopter.
/scrapheli – Displays commands/price for purchasing/managing a scrap helicopter.
/buy – Displays prices for buying a row boat, rhib, hot air balloon, work cart, or sub.
/license – Lists commands related to buying/spawning/recalling/killing a boat, hot air balloon, work cart, or sub.
/kill – Destroys your boat/hot air balloon/sub