Responses to March poll..

Hey guys – this month we received a bunch of feedback. We’re glad to say majority of it was positive, but in this post we want to talk about some of the suggestions and concerns players have.

Also, as always, if you have issues that admins aren’t addressing, please reach out to the owners. Admins can be very busy and may miss things happening. Something we’ve seen since the beginning of our server is players thinking we are okay with something bad happening when in reality we are busy and unaware. If something is bugging you, someone breaking rules, etc….just reach out to us.

Raiding/War Suggestions…

I think during a war, the areas of the War Zone should be marked on the map, and maked as KoS – Civilians die in war in real life.

  • We love this idea. Problem is map is only updated once a day so it wouldn’t really be possible with our current map system.

I would personally like if starting a War did not require a “good reason”, but instead required them to have similar if not the same playerbase, for instance a clan of 7 not declaring on a clan of 2.

  • While we’ll always require a reason for war, being warred for no reason is what separates us from vanilla servers. That said, maybe next poll we should consider having some type of rule where if you war a 2 man clan, the most you can bring is 3. Nice thing about our poll is if something is a bad idea, it gets removed pretty quick.

If you raid a base that was not in a claimed area you must leave the TC there with everything in it

  • Again, this is something we could add to poll. If you raid a base, maybe you would need to leave 24 hours worth of mats in TC to avoid wiping someone completely.

Allow the raiding of Decaying bases

  • While this sounds like a simple request, it’s actually more complicated. If we added this rule, players could try to raid any non-decaying base and claim that it was decaying. For admins, pulling the data to verify something was decaying after it has been raided requires admins to search through logs in the server files which can take a bunch of time. If we had to do this a few times a day it would remove an admins ability to actively handle situations happening in-game. We like the current system since it allows us to filter out trolls and rule-breakers much faster.

Least favorite thing about Rust Empires…

It’s annoying to have someone show up day 1 of wipe and tell you you’re going to have to move simply because they have more people. If there could be a caveat in the rules for someone who was there before the claim or some way to prevent that it would be a lot nicer.

  • Our land claim system is first come, first served. Assuming you have enough people to claim land, if you put in the claim first, it’s yours.

Again I just wish rules were enforced. For example, this event week, a few clans were one big zerg (one had no claim on the map, they spent all week in voice channel together — just like last wipe — and they were running around the entire time as one group). They also explicitly said that’s what they were doing in chat. Isn’t that what the rules are supposed to prevent?

  • We received multiple complaints about clans zerging PVP zones from various groups in this poll but we picked this one. We will look into it and consider putting a cap on how many can roll around NML if it is a constant issue. This isn’t a vanilla server so we don’t want zergs to have free reign on the server, we have a clan limit for a reason. We don’t want people to stop PVP or playing here because they think they can’t enter PVP zones without being zerged.

A few weeks ago I reported to staff in in-game chat that someone was running around using homophobic slurs and saying disgusting, misogynistic things about women (so common on a server with so many female players — including female players that attempt to hide the fact that they are women because of how women are treated in games and in Rust, but if your bigotry/etc rules were enforced, maybe that wouldn’t be an issue) and making transphobic comments and nothing happened. I said I wished those rules were enforced because they take playing this game on this server (which has those posted rules, unlike other servers) from ‘fun’ to ‘literally physically sickening’ and I didn’t get why they weren’t cared about. An admin just said ‘that’s all I hear about’ and that was that. I don’t really get how that’s helping? Why allow this kind of stuff when other rules are so strictly enforced? Why do you want that kind of environment?

  • This behavior is not tolerated here. If you witness something, please provide any evidence. Screenshots, videos, even the players name, anything will help. If we have any evidence, the person mentioned above would be permabanned. Also, if you don’t think the current admins online are addressing the situation properly, send an email to the owners and it will be addressed.

If you could change one thing about Rust Empires…

Pay per month for the casual players that cant grind enough for certain weapons. After all, this is’nt TRUE RP

  • When we created the server we had Patreon in mind to help cover the server cost. The first thing we said about using Patreon is money spent will never result in any in-game advantage, it should be fun cosmetic things. You aren’t the first person to ask for kits for money, but it isn’t something we will consider.

lower the price of the helis

  • Done.

Clans should have to agree on a time to fight during war.

  • That is def something worth putting on a poll to see if the community would like that.

To make sure that one admin is on at all time if possible

  • Admins on this server are unpaid so there is no way to promise 100% coverage. Obviously we want to have as much as possible.

More quests at the quest vendors and some other vending items for sticks

  • We are in the process of adding more things to the reward shop. The goal is to have anything in-game that can’t be looted available in the shop.

More reasons for large-scale wars between two consenting clans. More use of the territory claims with taking land and shifting borders between warring states.

  • We’re always open to suggestions. We used to see way more wars but lately it’s been very quiet. It could be time to revise the war rules. Our suggestions channel isn’t an empty gesture, we enjoy discussing ideas that people have that can help better the server.