Battle Of The Three Empires

Rust Empires One Year Anniversary Event!


To celebrate our one year anniversary, we’re doing an event that will give everyone a very simplified look at the original server concept. The map is broken into three cities (Empires) and clans can only build on claims connected to whatever city they pledge their loyalty to. During the next 2 weeks, the cities battle to control the Warzone to decide who is the dominating empire. There is no PVP/KOS outside of the Warzone.

  • Cities will start with generic names but clans/citizens can name their city and the map will be updated to reflect the selected name.
  • Clans must pledge to a city and can only build in claims connecting to that city.
  • Clans cannot store personal loot or clan loot in their city – only items to be sold or RP items.
  • Cities are not attackable (no PVP/KOS and no raiding) until the final war / Purge day (Wednesday 12/05/18 at 8 PM EST)
  • Clans can declare war on clans in other empires [cannot declare war on their own empire’s clans, see section: War on other Empires (outside of Warzone raids)]
  • You cannot wear other empires’ gear/clothing – you must wear your own empire’s kit. Type /kit to acquire your empire’s gear.




Land Claiming

  • To appear on the map for the day, claims must be submitted by 7PM EST, the map will be updated by 10PM EST.
  • For posting your land claim to the Discord:

    • Go to “land-claims-for-special-event” and then press the “+” icon to upload the required images.

Preparing to make a land claim

  • You must create a clan using the in-game clan plugin and have at least 2 members tagged in-game prior to making a standard land claim.
  • Tool cabinets and loot must be accessible and not hidden behind a wall or object that you must /remove to get to the TC.

  • If you add external walls or expand on your HQ or CS buildings, the clan name and HQ / CS sign must be posted clearly on the outer wall.

  • Clan land claims must be connected to each other.

  • Walls can only be around bases, not claims.

  • All clan loot must be stored on clan land.

  • Total land claims that can be gained over 2 week period: 1 HQ and 2 CS lands (1 land every 48 hours)

Making first land claim/HQ claim

  • Your first land claim will be your HQ land claim. This will be your ultimate stronghold.

  • Your HQ may not be inside of a town / city. It must be a separate building with its own accessible TC so if your clan goes to war or if your clan is war dec’ed that the town is not attacked.

  • You must make a post in the Discord land claim channel.

  • Make sure you follow the rules for the HQ land claim (aka your clan’s initial land claim) and for posting additional land claims (these are called CS or control structure land claims).

  • Example of HQ claim:

Making 2nd and then a 3rd claim/CS claims

  • You must wait 48 hours after your previous land claim post before you post again in the Discord land claim channel.
  • Example of CS claim:



The Warzone

  • Your empire’s non-Warzone land does not need to be touching this area to make your first claim.
  • After the first Warzone claim, all claims within must be connected.
  • Each empire (city you are pledged to) can claim one Warzone claim per day. This is a empire-wide limit, so different clans pledged to one empire must coordinate the daily claim.
  • If there are two claims for a single empire, we will go by first properly made claim.
  • HOWEVER, your empire can claim one additional Warzone claim per day by raiding and taking over an opposing empire’s Warzone claim if it is adjacent/connected to one of your empire’s claims.
  • If you lose a claim and retake it within a day, it doesn’t count towards your daily claim limit.
  • Feel free to upload a PNG icon for your empire and we will label each claim with that icon.
  • To appear on the map for the day, claims must be submitted by 7PM EST, the map will be updated by 10PM EST.
  • For posting your land claim to the Discord:

    • Go to “land-claims-for-special-event” and then press the “+” icon to upload the required images.

  • Example of Warzone land claim:

General rules for Warzone

    • You don’t need to announce attacks, standard No Man’s Land rules apply. Raiding and KOS allowed at anytime within the Warzone.
    • Can only wall off bases, not whole zones.
    • Turrets and traps are allowed outside in this area (but cannot be shooting from the Warzone into non-Warzone lands).

Raiding rules for Warzone

  • If you take control of an enemy base, make sure to make a land claim. Admins will not be inspecting these (unless something requires it) so we will be using the land claim channel to keep track. If you don’t make a claim, the previous owner will still own the land.
  • If you don’t have an available land claim but raid a team, you cannot invalidate their claim until you claim over theirs.
  • (Note about raiding – You can raid your enemies but if you don’t have an available claim at that time, you can’t evict their ownership of that claim and they still retain ownership. You need to wait until you have a claim available.
  • Example: If Empire A raids two separate claims from Empire B adjacent to their own Warzone claims. They are only allowed to take over one of the claims per day. Empire B will still retain ownership of the land that wasn’t claimed, even though their base was raided. If Empire B’s base is destroyed, Empire C can walk in and plant a new base and claim it if Empire C is eligible for a land claim.)
  • You are not allowed to use /remove during raids or to reclaim a base after a raid. Remove tool should never be used to reclaim a lost base/home/shop/etc. It should also never be used to grief others or get access to rooms you can’t normally access. It is only for fixing mistakes during the building process.



War on other Empires (outside of Warzone raids)

  • To prevent warmongering, players must have a valid reason for warring other empires’ clans. War for the sake of war will be rejected.
  • Must be a clan using the in-game clan plugin.
  • You must have a listed HQ claim in an empire before declaring war on another empire’s clan.
  • The max amount per team size during war and 7 players (both teams can agree to increase the limit beyond that if they choose).
  • Anyone from the empire involved as part of the 7 players per team must wear the warring clan’s tag for the duration of the war.
  • You are not allowed to use /remove during war or to reclaim a base after a raid. Remove tool should never be used to reclaim a lost base/home/shop/etc. It should also never be used to grief others or get access to rooms you can’t normally access. It is only for fixing mistakes during the building process.


Declaring war on other Empires

      • Declare war with a written out reason for the war to the Discord channel #war-and-attack-declarations
      • Once the war declaration has been created, the War Council has the option to veto the war if the reason isn’t strong enough.
      • After war declaration, clan must wait 12 hours prior to raiding ( Exception to waiting 12 hours: if the defending clan accepts the war, then both clans can begin raiding, but must make appropriate attack decs – see below)
      • If a clan has additional land claims beyond the HQ land claim, opposing clan must take out all the control structures of each land claim prior to attacking the HQ claim.
      • During war, you may not make any non-war related land claims.
      • Clans may not change their HQ and CS locations after they have declared war on another clan, or if a clan declares war on them.
      • Clans can declare war on any other empires’ clan and evict the the opposing clan from their CS and HQ lands, but cannot claim an opposing empires’ lands, only evict them

Attack declarations

    • After 12 hours or if both clans post agreement to the war, announce on discord attack-declarations channel and in-game prior to initiating actual attack. Need an attack dec in the declaration thread before you start raiding.
    • If the opposing clan has multiple land claims, you must take out all of their Control Structures before you can attack the enemy HQ
    • Before you attack the enemy HQ, you must announce in-game and in discord that the final attack is about to happen.

KOS rules during war on other empires

    • KOS begins once war has been declared. You must verify it is your enemy before open firing to avoid innocents being killed.
    • The only places the warring factions cannot KOS are Frontier Zones, RP solo/clan claims, cities, and their surrounding claims.
    • Admins may step in if one team is excessively base camping one of the teams.

Taking out an enemy base

    • Capturing an HQ or CS requires owning the tool cabinet.
    • For each claim attacked, submit captured control structure [or HQ] in the #war-and-attack-dec Discord channel. Include picture of captured land claim [map image] and a picture of the control structure [or HQ] showing tool cabinet access.

Ending a war

    • War ends with: one clan surrendering, one clan captures the opposing HQ (owns tool cabinet), both clans agree to peace, both clans agree to specific terms, or it’s been 24 hours and no attacks have been made.



Creative Competition

    • Your creation could become one of the chosen structures to be showcased in Rust Empires in Age 13.
    • Over the course of the special event, you can develop your designs on your HQ land claim.
    • Each individual can make up to 3 submissions per category.
    • There are two categories:

RP building /structure

        • Not a lagfest creation, but something furthering role play opportunities.
        • Some examples include: a museum, a maze, a stable, a hotel, a casino, pubs, a greenhouse, a garden, a ship port, etc.
        • Be creative and have fun!
        • Post the images and the /map location of your submission to #event-RP-build-submission
        • Submissions will be accepted from Friday, November 23rd after the map wipes, until Saturday, December 1st at 11:59 PM EST
        • Voting will occur from Sunday, December 2nd until Tuesday, December 4th at 11:59 PM EST.
        • You are responsible to keep your TC filled / don’t let your structure decay – if you win the vote, but your structure decays, we cannot bring it to the next Age.

Functional server building /structure

      • Not a lagfest creation, but something that can be utilized to reinforce the server rules and server functioning.
      • Some examples include: a jail, a spawn room with rules, a city train stop, a central station, etc.
      • Post the images and the /map location of your submission to #event-server-build-submission
      • Submissions will be accepted from Friday, November 23rd after the map wipes, until Saturday, December 1st at 11:59 PM EST
      • Voting will occur from Sunday, December 2nd until Tuesday, December 4th at 11:59 PM EST.
      • You are responsible to keep your TC filled / don’t let your structure decay – if you win the vote, but your structure decays, we cannot bring it to the next Age.

Make sure to read the official rules as you are responsible for adhering to the server rules <3