Welcome to the Warzone


No Man’s Land has moved into its phase 2: claimable lands with clans vying for control of the re-born Warzone.


Each time a land is claimed for the first time, the group will be rewarded a supply signal. On purge day, we will tally up who controls how many points and each team will be given weapons/explosives based on how many claims they own at that point in time.


General Rules
  • You don’t need to announce attacks, standard No Man’s Land rules apply. Raiding and KOS allowed at anytime within The Warzone.
  • Can only wall off bases, not whole zones.
  • Turrets and traps are allowed outside in this area.
  • All clans or solo players are allowed to participate as long as they don’t live in a frontier, city, or RP claim.
Land Claiming
  • Your non-Warzone land does not need to be touching this area to make your first claim.
  • All claims after that point most be connected to your first Warzone claim.
  • Players can claim or take over land every 4 hours.
  • If you lose a claim and retake it within a day, it doesn’t count towards your 4 hour claim limit.
  • Feel free to upload a PNG icon for your group and we will label each claim with that icon.
  • If you take control of an enemy base, make sure to make a land claim. Admins will not be inspecting these (unless something requires it) so we will be using the land claim channel to keep track. If you don’t make a claim, the previous owner will still own the land.
  • If you don’t have an available land claim but raid a team, you cannot invalidate their claim until you claim over theirs.

(Note about raiding – You can raid your enemies but if you don’t have an available claim at that time, you can’t evict their ownership of that claim and they still retain ownership. You need to wait until you have a claim available.

Example: If group A raids two separate claims from group B. They are only allowed to take over one of them in that four hour window. Group B will still retain ownership of the land that wasn’t claimed, even thought their base was raided. If Group B’s base is destroyed, Group C can walk in and plant a new base town and claim it.)