Rules changes for November 2018

SAM turrets

With the addition of the new SAM turrets, players will only be allowed to place these in No Man’s Land. Originally we wanted them to be allowed in all bases, but the radius is huge and the damage of the rockets can destroy the new hot air balloons quickly.

  • If a SAM turret is placed in NML but is able to hit targets outside of NML, it will be removed without any warning and your ammo will be lost.


Tool Cabinets in No Man’s Land

Bases inside of NML no longer require their Tool Cabinets to be legal. Meaning in NML ONLY, TCs can be placed within honeycomb without any door access.


City Evictions

Since we tried the City Council for two months and it failed to pick up steam, all players on Rust Empires are allowed to vote on Frontier & City evictions. 


City Requirements

To make a city, we have increased the required amount of players to four. We’ve seen many cities fail fast since they never get enough people, to avoid that we have increased the required amount before you can apply for city status.


Helicopter PVP

If you want to PVP at the helicopter, you now must be within the same grid as the heli crash. We’ll see how this works, if we need we can increase the area since within one grid is very small.


Clan Limit Exploit

Last wipe we received complaints about players attempting to bypass the clan limit. In response we told them they were no longer allowed to freely pass loot back and forth. Clans may become allies, but all of their loot must be kept on their own land.


Changes for Donors

We want to make sure our Patrons continue to have some cool stuff so we’re discussing adding some new things. As always, making sure these things are fun but make things unbalanced is a huge priority for us so these will be for looks and not give game play advantages.

  • $20: Gets access to Neon Signs.
  • $30: Will have access to all of the perks below their donation level. In addition, they can post the skulls of their enemies on signs.