Special Event Week: Reckoning of the Cutthroat Armadas

As th’ clouds spread fer th’ sun t’ shine down upon th’ island, it reveals a gatherin’ o’ unscrupulous ruffians wearin’ cutlasses ‘n eokas on thar hips.

Th’ lure o’ booty ‘n infamy drew them t’ these isles. ‘twould be a bloody match t’ gain a foothold upon th’ isles ‘n make a name fer themselves.

Ye ‘ave woken on th’ sandy shores wit’ th’ sun beatin’ upon yer back. Yer throat be dry ‘n ye desperately wants some rum. Thar are three ruffians in front o’ ye, all equally menancin’. ’tis time fer ye t’ choose which crew t’ join.

Join a crew ‘n make haste wit’ yer ships, loot all th’ land ye can as reckonin’ will fall upon th’ crew ‘n ships who do nah seek th’ booty ‘n infamy that lies ahead.

Ye will be a privateer o’ one o’ th’ 3 crews vyin’ t’ be th’ most infamous o’ th’ seas: th’ Pirates, th’ Scallywags, ‘n th’ Buccaneers.

(If you don’t pick one of these 3 crews, the elder gods of the sea/ “admins” will place you into a crew)

The Basics

  • Players are split into 3 crews (Pirates, Scallywags, and Buccaneers) and will take a portal from the starting zone to their HQ claim.

  • No stealing code lock codes and giving to opposing team, if you want inside an enemy base, you need to raid it (see raiding rules further down).

  • You must wear your team’s color (no wearing opposing teams colors).

  • The map will be broken up into claims.

  • Your goal is to claim as much land as possible to become the greatest conqueror of the sea.

  • Crew with the most land claims will win additional Purge day supplies – this crew will be deemed the most infamous with the conquests of our seas.

General rules

  • All Tool cabinets and loot must be accessible.

  • Build a town hall structure and claim your crew’s HQ land – you can build a town/harbor town around your town hall, just make sure that the TC for the Townhall is separate from the town/city itself.

  • Each crew can claim two CS land claims every 24 hours after the first day (For special event week only: these CS claims do NOT have to be adjacent or connecting).

  • To claim land, players must build a base and have clear sign with your team name and CS (for Control Structure); and the image needs to show TC perms. Use the /map or M map to show the location.

  • Players must coordinate claims with their team, if more than two claims are made, the first two claims will be the chosen daily claim (as long as it follows the proper requirements for submission). Any additional claims requested will need to be re-submitted for the next eligible claim.

  • Double points will be awarded to the crews owning the smaller island land claims on the final day/Wednesday, October 3rd at 8:00 PM EST.

  • Map will be updated each night by 10 PM EST. If you see a control structure on unclaimed land, check discord to see if someone posted the claim already.

  • Building and weapons will be limited during this event. See Discord #blocked-items-special-event channel to review what is blocked.


  • While this is a special event, you still cannot PVP/KOS in unclaimed land. See our official ruleset for the full PVP/KOS rules (link is located below).

  • Teams can declare attacks on opposing team’s lands (EXCEPT, no attacks to HQ lands or to players on HQ lands until next Purge/Wednesday October 3rd at 8:00 PM EST)

  • Players must announce their attack dec in Discord (#attack-declarations channel) 30 minutes prior to raid.

  • Before starting the in-game attack, the attacking clan must announce in-game that they will be attacking (i.e., “Scallywags are attacking Buccaneers’ claim now!” )

  • After posting an attack dec in Discord and once the waiting period is up, attackers have 30 minutes to attack before the attack is cancelled.

  • Once an attack dec is posted in the Discord, KOS/PVP can begin on that specific land claim only with the defenders and attackers. If defenders find the attackers building bases on that specific land claim after the attack dec is posted in Discord, then the defenders can raid the base.

  • To take a Control Structure, you must take over the main TC. Then make a land claim on Discord. You can gain 1 additional land claim for your crew each day through raiding (this is NOT counted towards your daily 2 land claims that you get through regular land claiming)

  • You cannot kill members of your own team.

  • PVP can occur during announced raids (only at the land claim that you are actively raiding – don’t attempt to fight outside of the land claim).

  • See official rules to review the KOS & PVP section for more information on when/where other pvp can occur.

~~Make sure to click here to review the official ruleset as you are still responsible for following server rules~~